
Öffentliche Veranstaltungen, Sendungen und mehr

  • Eine Veranstaltung der St. John’s University, Institute for International Communication: Empire Beyond Place and Space – Why do the Empires Rise and Fall? Aus der Reihe: A Global Conversation, moderated by Dr. Elisabeth Fondren, Assistant Professor of Journalism, Division of Mass Communication, St. John’s University/New York.

    Nana Walzer Walzer speaks in her lecture about the crucial role of communication and the use of different communication techniques, when it comes to establishing, keeping or losing the power game. „The World between Democracy and Autocracy: The Role of Communication“. Friday, April 19, 2024 – 10:00 AM/Noon EST

  • Moderation der Sendung rund um Frauenpower mit Stadtrat Peter Hanke, AK-Wien Präsidentin Renate Anderl und stv. Generaldirektorin der Wiener Stadtwerke Monika Unterholzner im vollbesuchten K47.

    TV-Beitrag zur Veranstaltung:
    Der neue Wirtschaftsreport auf W24 und R9 – News – W24

    Gesamte Sendung – online ab 17.02. auf
    Wirtschaftsreport Wien Spezial – Wirtschaftsreport Wien – W24

  • Open Minded Leadership by Nana Walzer and Ron Thoma, a non-fiction book on timely leadership-techniques, is now available also in English language. Suitable for senior executives, junior managers, future leaders and high potentials, as well as for teaching and coaching. ISBN: 9798869582737 and via Amazon:

  • Anlässlich des internationalen Gedenktags der Allgemeinen Erklärung der Menschenrechte, die vor genau 75 Jahren von den Vereinten Nationen angenommen wurde, veranstaltet Europe:United – Organisation für ein menschliches Europa ( das Event „Human Europe“. Diesmal mit Hintergrundgesprächen zu globalen und regionalen Aspekten der Menschenrechte sowie zum Missbrauchspotenzial des Artikel 19, dem Recht auf freie Meinungsäußerung.

    Nana Walzer im Gespräch mit Karin König, Menschenrechtsexpertin der Stadt Wien und Dalia Bankauskaitè, Strategic Communication Expert der Universitär Vilnius. Zu sehen etwa auf Facebook, X, Youtube:

  • Drei Christmas-Songs von Nana Walzer – Bright Christmas, Under the X-Mas Tree und Celt Winter Song – sind ab Dezember auf sämtlichen Plattformen zu hören. Spotify, Apple Music, Youtube, Amazon Music, Deezer und viele mehr… Und hier gibt’s den direkten Draht zum Glück:

    Bright Christmas:

    Under the X-Mas Tree:

    Celt Winter Song:

    And as always: massive thanks to JIM BALENT for his wonderful artwork

  • In einer neuen Serie auf Radio Wien beleuchtet Nana Walzer die Bedingungen und positiven Auswirkungen guter Gespräche: Was macht ein gutes Gespräch aus? Smalltalk oder Tiefgründiges: Wie wichtig ist der Inhalt? Was stärkt die Beziehungsebene? Was bringt es kurz oder lang, mit Bekannten oder Fremden zu reden? Weiters Themen wie: die Macht der Synchronizität, Konfliktfähigkeit in der Praxis, Diskurskultur in der Gesellschaft oder das gute Selbstgespräch. Zu hören im Radio Wien Magazin ab 14. November 2023.

  • Welcome to our commented version of the live broadcast of the SOTEU, the annual address by EU Commission-President Ursula von der Leyen. This speech is tackling the current state of the European Union, presenting achievements of the running legislative period, and of last years political developments specifically, then focussing on actual challenges and offering future prospects. Political science professor Dirk van den Boom and communication-expert Nana Walzer analyze and explain what is being said by president von der Leyen, deliver context and provide background information as well as answer the questions from the twitch-community in the chat.

    Broadcasted live on the twitch-channel “Wildmics” on September 13th 2023, from 09.00-11.00. See: and

  • The live-format “#moreEUROPEnow” addresses various hot topics that affect European citizens in their everyday life: From the war in Ukraine over anti-democratic developments in Europe, to the poles of today’s multi-crisis such as climate-change, energy, migration or inflation – and the role of civil society in all of it.

    The series aims to kick-off discussions on Europe’s relevance for citizen in the light of the upcoming European elections in 2024. Each episode is designed to stimulate civil engagement and to induce lively discussions about European challenges, EU policies and the future of Europe – and thus to ensure involvement and identification with the European project and it’s values such as equality, human rights or democratic participation.

    „#moreEUROPEnow“ is hosted by Dr. Nana Walzer, each episode’s topic is commented by political scientist Dr. Dirk van den Boom and features different experts to share their specific knowledge.

    The 6 episodes of “#moreEUROPEnow” are broadcasted live on the Twitch-channel “Wildmics” starting July 2023, each from 20.00-21.00. See: and

  • On the the occation of the NATO Summit 2023 in Vilnius/Lithuania, Nana Walzer conducted 6 interviews with experts on the state of EU’s security policy and it’s interconnectivity with NATO activities as well as methods of strengthening European security architecture, the Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic aspirations and the role of civil society in all of this.

    With: MEPs Petrus Auštrevičius and Lukas Mandl – Lithuanian Scientist Dalia Bankauskaitè – EESC-member Christian Moos – president of Europa Union Frankfurt Klaus Klipp – designated president of BJF-Bund Europäischer Jugend Kati Schneeberger. The interviews framed a high-level discussion with the Chair of the Defense Committee in Germany Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmerman, MEP Markus Ferber and others.

    The interviews and the discussion can be watched on social media (e.g.: and (in a few days) on the UEF-Youtube-channel (